When people ask me, what is the purpose of individual therapy?
My short answer is:
The slightly longer version is the freedom to choose how to live your life, the possibility of alleviating stress in your life, and learning how to respond to the stressors that can't be avoided. Therapy can also help to provide the skills to communicate more kindly and clearly with yourself and your loved ones in order to have healthier, deeper relationships. Ultimately, once we begin healing the places we are stuck that often take up so much of our mental space and emotional energy, then we are able to begin cultivating and moving towards the life that we long for that is filled with greater love, ease, and creativity.
If you are here reading this, then something inside of you already has sensed that more is possible and that you are ready to move towards that life you have envisioned.
For a free phone consultation, call 831-708-1176 or email annabelle.drda@gmail.com.