Women's Groups
I have helped to found and facilitate two women's groups since 2010. The second of which met for over four years. I am passionate about creating groups in which women are able to feel safe to connect and support each other in their full experiences of being a female in this particular point in history with all of its challenges and amazing aspects. Some of our previous topics included self care, relationships, boundaries, body image issues, empowerment, creativity and healing.
Astrological Study/Experiential Groups
I believe one of the best ways to learn about the study of astrology, its depth and breadth, is often through group discussion and the sharing of our own personal experiences and interpretations of these archetypal patterns at play in our own lives and the world around us. These groups often focus on different topics such as the Moon in all of the different Zodiac signs and in aspect to all of the other planetary archetypes.
Please contact me if you would like more information about the availability of either of these group experiences.